Andrea is currently accepting commissions, to request a commission please follow these steps:
1- Write a message to describing your request and attaching one or more reference images. Please mention also your city so I will be able to calculate how much the shipping fee will be.
2- I will notify you if the photo it’s ok to be used, how much will it cost and the amount of deposit required (Usually is 2/3 of the total price).
3- Once I receive the deposit, I will start to work on the commission. I will send you a draft sketch of the composition first and, if you are happy with it, I will proceed with the final drawing.
4- At the completion of the illustration, I will send you a photograph of it. If you are happy with the drawing, you can proceed with the payment the remaining amount of the commission.
5- When I receive the payment, I will ship you the illustration and provide you the relative tracking number. You will receive it normally in 2-3 working days.
For pricing enquiries please send me an email to:

Coloured Landscape

Linework Architecture

Linework Portrait

Drawing on Garments

Coloured Architecture